As you may or may not know, you can pretty much use anything in your fridge for a natural beauty remedy. Whether it’s pineapples, mint or good ol’ honey, your go-to beauty store is actually not too far from your bed — and we’ll take that as a major win. Want to know a delicious secret? Your beloved chocolate also does wonders for your bod. So get ready to fall in love with dark chocolate for all the right reasons by trying these 12 DIYs for at-home beauty.
1. Chocolate Souffle Body Butter: This looks good enough to eat! And if it feels just as good as it looks, then your skin is going to have an out-of-body experience that you are going to love. (via A Cultivated Nest)
2. Chocolate Chip Lip Balm: You can’t really get mad when your lips constantly taste like chocolate chips. Just try not to eat the whole container of lip balm before the end of the day.(via Paula Parrish).
3. Chocolate Coconut Sugar Scrub: Chocolate and coconut go together like peanut butter and jelly. Use this sugar scrub to give your skin the ultimate indulgence that will revitalize it, but also protect it from UV damage. (via How Sweet It Is)
4. Chocolate Facial: This sweet goop of a mess is worth all the trouble to help fight those wrinkles and improve blood flow. Plus, did we mention how amazing it smells? (via Tidy Mom)
5. Cocoa Hair Mask: Not only does chocolate make your skin look amazing, but it also does wonders for your hair: It promotes hair growth and adds shine to lackluster locks. And if this means we get bountiful, beautiful hair, then we’ll take it. (via Naturalology)
6. Dark Chocolate Honey Beauty Mask + Scrub: If you want healthy, glowing skin, massage this scrub all over your bod. It’s okay to get carried away with this container of heaven — we actually recommend it. (via Hello Natural)
7. Chocolate Peppermint Lip Gloss: If you are on a mission to have kissable, soft lips, look no further than this chocolate peppermint lip gloss. It works great anytime of the year, whether it feels like the sun is boiling you like a lobster or it’s too cold to feel your nose. (via The Taylor House)
8. Homemade Chocolate Milk Bath: This chocolate milk bath is meant to nourish and repair damaged skin after harsh summer days. We can definitely picture ourselves soaking all day in this milky goodness. (via Hello Natural)
9. Mint Chocolate Scrub: Say goodbye to dead skin with this mint chocolate scrub. Don’t be shocked if you can’t help but constantly smell yourself after using this beauty treatment. (via Hello Natural)
10. Mint Chocolate Chip Lip Gloss: If this tastes anything like an actual mintchocolate chip cookie, then we are all for it. (via Food + Words)
11. Chocolate Mud Mask: Don’t worry, this mask isn’t really made out of mud. With ingredients like greek yogurt, cocoa and even banana, this DIY spa treatment will have your skin happy and thankful. (via Essentially Eclectic)
12. Chocolate Sugar Lip Scrub: Kiss your dead skin away with this sugar lip scrub. After a few uses of this sugary treat, your lipstick game will be flake-free and lastall day. (via Live Laugh Rowe)
How do you like to use chocolate in your beauty routine? Let us know in the comments below!
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