Wednesday 23 September 2015

Photographer Documents the Unique Beauty of Colorful Floor Tiles in Paris

Happy Viewing

Beautiful artwork can exist anywhere, and photographer Sebastian Erras proves it with his stunning Instagram project called Parisian Floors (aka @parisianfloors). The account showcases a fraction of the ornate mosaics that grace the different locales of the French city. Erras captures a variety of artistic styles, from structured geometric patterns to fanciful flourishes to colorful characters. They’re all exquisitely crafted with tiles that rest under the photographer's fashionable feet.
Erras began his project after a trip to Marrakech earlier this year. There, he admired the flooring and started taking photos of what he saw. After returning to France, he noticed the same gorgeous architectural details and decided to document them on social media.
Erras’ Instagram demonstrates that a simple shift in perspective can offer a fresh and unexpected look at the world. He hopes these photographs will inspire others to view their city differently—especially those living in Paris. In an interview with Trendland, he adds, “There’s not only the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and other monuments but the city has a lot more different angles and things to be appreciated. You just have to see and notice them.” Simply put, he says, “Look down!”












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